Article | Runscope for API integration tests

Runscope for API integration tests

Find out how we use API integration test service: Runscope

Runscope provides API performance testing. Runscope’s official blurb is this:

Trust Your APIs Less downtime. Fewer support tickets. Faster time to resolution. We’ll tell you when your APIs break before your customers do.

In this demonstration, Nigel Ramsay shows how he configures Runscope to perform integration tests on a series of AddressFinder and SmartInspect APIs.

The examples show how the output of one API can be used as the input of a second API. Assertions are defined to confirm that status codes and JSON responses are as expected.

Finally, Nigel shows how a set of API tests can be pointed at different environments (such as staging, or production) with little extra effort.

Read more from Nigel Ramsay:

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