Article | Burger on a Plate Hot Takes

Burger on a Plate Hot Takes

Abletech burger reviews

Abletech always enjoys Wellington on a Plate, especially the burgers. This year Abletechers tried 19 different burgers with a total of more than 70 burgers eaten.

Happy Abletech Crew at Rogue and Vagabond

Happy Abletech Crew at Rogue and Vagabond

Abletech Awards

Marcus Baguley has been crowned the Burger King with a total of 10 different burgers eaten during the festival.

Alexandre Barret has won the Rogue and Vagabond Fanboy Award by eating the Animal House Redux burger three times during the festival.

Jordan Carter and Matt Lee share the Burger Seers Awards by only eating the most popular burger of the festival: the Animal House Redux.

Fiona Sanggang received the Burger Strategist Award by initiating us to the half/half strategy: half the calories, half the cost and twice the burger. The strategy involves pairs of people sharing halves of two burgers in one lunch.

The Best Burger Locator Award goes to judged as the most user-friendly and fastest burger locator. Check it out. The fact that an Abletecher built it is just pure coincidence ;)

Kudos for the nine vegetarian burgers available during #burgerwelly. Too bad there were not many veggie burgers located in the CBD.

Abletech Burger Results

Without further ado here is the final list. What do you think? Let us know if you agree or not in the comments.

Abletech Leaderboard

Abletech Leaderboard

The Winners

Honourable Mentions

Here finishes two weeks of burger goodness. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

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