Summer of Tech arranges opportunities for students to get internships over the summer months.
Here are Abletechers Kate Norquay, Oliver Greenaway and Carl Penwarden at the Wellington ‘meet & greet’ with up-and-coming graduates.

Oliver and Kate at the Summer of Tech ‘meet & greet’
Kate was originally an Abletech intern — you can read what that was like in a blog article about it. At the Summer of Tech event she was pleased to see such a diverse bunch of people and chat with students about projects they’d worked on, or built, to solve problems they had.
Kate knows what it’s like to be thinking about work and wondering where to start. She says the quality of the Summer of Tech hack days appeared high and she recommends attending those.
Kate’s tips for tech students
Have projects, ideally on GitHub or online, so potential employers can look at them later
It’s great if you have some experience working in a team, on projects or at hack days
Do some basic research on the companies you’re interested in, know the languages they use etc
Be friendly and enthusiastic!

Photo cred: Oliver Ewart
Read another blog article by Kate about using React with Ruby on Rails.
If you’re keen on an internship with Abletech read the blog post with seven more tips on getting an internship.