A lamp standing in front of a green wall

Making a dent in the tech universe

Making a dent in the tech universe


End of Year Reflection - of a sort

Recently, during a casual conversation over drinkies, I was discussing our company's plans to continue working with Riki Consultancy Ltd next year as part of our Te Tiriti strategy. Someone asked why we were still bothering, especially since under the current government it was no longer an edict—in fact, quite the opposite. My response was simple: we never undertook this journey because of an edict from anyone; we undertook it because it aligned with our values as a company. It was, and remains, the right thing to do.

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    Regular Expressions - 2 tips for maintainability


    Dive into our exploration of regular expressions, where we unveil practical insights on enhancing readability and maintainability through the use of multi-line options and named captures. This post draws on our firsthand experience to present tangible examples and a step-by-step guide on applying these techniques effectively. Perfect for those looking to streamline their coding practices.

    Devs for Ukraine Conference


    On the early mornings of 26th and 27th April (4am NZ time) members of the developer teams from Abletech and Addressfinder attended the [Devs For Ukraine](https://www.devsforukraine.io/) Conference, a free, online engineering conference with the goal to raise funds and provide support to Ukraine.

    Getting started with Stripe, Rails and React in three easy steps


    A client recently requested to add the functionality to be able to accept credit card payments within a Rails application that we were building. Specifically, they wanted users to be able to purchase vouchers using credit card payments and pass on any processing fees. Once the payment was complete, the transaction had to be recorded within the app and an email needed to be sent out to both the purchaser and the giftee. Stripe came into the picture then.

    Ruby Conf in Wellington


    The Ruby community holds conferences all over the globe, using local and international speakers, for Rubyists of all levels. The latest conference was a single day of talks held at Te Papa in Wellington which is two blocks from Abletech’s headquarters.

    RubyConf 2018


    This year’s RubyConf AU was held in Doltone House at Jones Bay Wharf, Sydney. Here’s a review of my highlights:

    Kiwi Ruby


    Our developers have been to Ruby conferences overseas for years. Having this on home turf made it a good chance to catch up with fellow New Zealand Ruby developers and support the local Ruby community.

    The Abletech story — part one


    Launched in 2006, Abletech was borne out of a keen desire to boost business systems using cloud technology. Its founders worked, played and studied computing. They understood enterprise strategy and best practice. They became discerning. Discernment is a quality that continues to serve Abletech well.



    Regan Ryan will give an introduction to Ruby Meta Programming — learn the nuts and bolts of how Ruby works, and begin the meta-programming journey

    Rails Girls Workshops


    To me Rails Girls is a really good way to help people find programming and gain a support network. Dawn Richardson.

    Learning and supporting new technology


    In 2006 Abletecher Michael Koziarski gave a popular overview of Ruby on Rails at a Wellington Webstock conference. That same year he also spoke at RailsConf Europe in London. Ruby on Rails has continued to grow and Abletechers, keen on the efficient technology, have grown in their knowledge and practical implementation of it.

    Abletech back in the old days

    10 Reasons why — Ruby on Rails


    In July 2006, Abletech wrote the following blog post introducing and explaining Ruby on Rails. The article looks at the thinking behind adopting Ruby on Rails, and the advantages and disadvantages of using it.

    Travelling Light On Heavy Ground


    At Abletech, we love tests. After all, an application is only as good as its tests. And for the most part tests love us, but sometimes they love us a little too much.

    Using any method with Ruby iterators


    This third option is useful. It allows me to keep the anonymise code out of the User class. Usually it’s best to keep related code together, and the code within AnonymiseUsers is not expected to be required elsewhere in the code base.

    Regular Expressions - 2 tips for maintainability


    Dive into our exploration of regular expressions, where we unveil practical insights on enhancing readability and maintainability through the use of multi-line options and named captures. This post draws on our firsthand experience to present tangible examples and a step-by-step guide on applying these techniques effectively. Perfect for those looking to streamline their coding practices.

    Devs for Ukraine Conference


    On the early mornings of 26th and 27th April (4am NZ time) members of the developer teams from Abletech and Addressfinder attended the [Devs For Ukraine](https://www.devsforukraine.io/) Conference, a free, online engineering conference with the goal to raise funds and provide support to Ukraine.

    Getting started with Stripe, Rails and React in three easy steps


    A client recently requested to add the functionality to be able to accept credit card payments within a Rails application that we were building. Specifically, they wanted users to be able to purchase vouchers using credit card payments and pass on any processing fees. Once the payment was complete, the transaction had to be recorded within the app and an email needed to be sent out to both the purchaser and the giftee. Stripe came into the picture then.

    Ruby Conf in Wellington


    The Ruby community holds conferences all over the globe, using local and international speakers, for Rubyists of all levels. The latest conference was a single day of talks held at Te Papa in Wellington which is two blocks from Abletech’s headquarters.

    RubyConf 2018


    This year’s RubyConf AU was held in Doltone House at Jones Bay Wharf, Sydney. Here’s a review of my highlights:

    Kiwi Ruby


    Our developers have been to Ruby conferences overseas for years. Having this on home turf made it a good chance to catch up with fellow New Zealand Ruby developers and support the local Ruby community.

    The Abletech story — part one


    Launched in 2006, Abletech was borne out of a keen desire to boost business systems using cloud technology. Its founders worked, played and studied computing. They understood enterprise strategy and best practice. They became discerning. Discernment is a quality that continues to serve Abletech well.



    Regan Ryan will give an introduction to Ruby Meta Programming — learn the nuts and bolts of how Ruby works, and begin the meta-programming journey

    Rails Girls Workshops


    To me Rails Girls is a really good way to help people find programming and gain a support network. Dawn Richardson.

    Learning and supporting new technology


    In 2006 Abletecher Michael Koziarski gave a popular overview of Ruby on Rails at a Wellington Webstock conference. That same year he also spoke at RailsConf Europe in London. Ruby on Rails has continued to grow and Abletechers, keen on the efficient technology, have grown in their knowledge and practical implementation of it.

    Abletech back in the old days

    10 Reasons why — Ruby on Rails


    In July 2006, Abletech wrote the following blog post introducing and explaining Ruby on Rails. The article looks at the thinking behind adopting Ruby on Rails, and the advantages and disadvantages of using it.

    Travelling Light On Heavy Ground


    At Abletech, we love tests. After all, an application is only as good as its tests. And for the most part tests love us, but sometimes they love us a little too much.

    Using any method with Ruby iterators


    This third option is useful. It allows me to keep the anonymise code out of the User class. Usually it’s best to keep related code together, and the code within AnonymiseUsers is not expected to be required elsewhere in the code base.

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