We’ve moved! We found a great location but had to wait while the building was strengthened and renovated inside and out.

The benefit of being the first tenant on level 2, of 1 Ghuznee Street, is that we got to design the floor to suit us. We made sure the wifi, cabling and ducting would suit us. We included areas to accommodate our team like bigger meeting rooms, more storage and a gear space for the increasing number of bikers on the team (motor, pedal and electric).

We designed the kitchen to have a few conveniences we were missing in our old office like an oven and an efficient coffee space. We retained our purpose-built bar leaner and relocated it to our new office so we still have a window view at lunch time. The new kitchen flows well with a central island allowing high-use areas to be used independently of other areas ie. the people making coffee don’t get in the way of the panini makers. We added an island to our kitchen, with a power point for our pie machines etc. and we put a custom hole in the benchtop for our coffee knock box.

Moving Day
The moving company was excellent. They gave us guidelines to ease the shift. We numbered all the desks, chairs, monitors and boxes to match the new office’s zones and floor plan. Nigel Munro from Amoova said this made the logistics of the move easy and efficient for his workers.

First Aid
While Amoover were loading and unloading their truck our team made good use of the day by upskilling in CPR , AED use, severe bleeding, choking etc. Now our Abletechers are armed and prepared with the latest First Aid skills and knowledge.

It’s Official
We unpacked our boxes and plugged in. We’re surrounded by fine hospitality at our new address with boutique breweries like Whistling Sisters and Fortune Favours moments away. We had the traditional fish’n’chips meal, with a cold beer, and declared our new address official:
Abletech Level 2 Ghuznee Street Te Aro Wellington 6011