The Abletech team enjoyed Grand Prix racing and dinner to celebrate and farewell Dawn Richardson. Next week Dawn’s heading off for overseas adventures and we will miss her very much.
Dawn and Tracey at RubyConf Australia. Dawn at high-ropes and drumming with the team.
The send-off was full of fun, food and friendship. In true Dawn-style we took a few risks and went racing.
There was quite a competitive element to some of the Abletech racing teams!
We took our adrenaline-highs down the road to The Shepherds’ Arms for a beer and meal together. We reflected on Dawn’s time at Abletech and all the projects she’s worked on. We heard about the people who have helped her and the people she has helped. Abletech have really enjoyed having Dawn around and, in turn, she’s inspired countless new developers through her work with Rails Girls in Wellington.
Dawn’s never been afraid to take on new challenges like sky-diving, rock-climbing and slack-lining. She’s also no stranger to overseas adventures. It was agreed that Dawn is a woman-of-great-courage so we gave her our best wishes for getting stuck in to her next phase of life in Canada.
Farewell Dawn. We look forward to updates from afar 🍁
Bye for now Dawn, from all your AbleBuddies!