We held an Emergency Preparedness competition, back in 2015. Prepare yourself for a similar event in September 2018: Show Your Go!
We prepared and judged Go Bags for getting home in a civil defence emergency.

Far and wide
The Abletech team live all over the place. Lately we’ve been thinking about what we would do in an emergency and how we’d get home.
Since the competition was announced there was a flurry of deliveries to the office. Survival blankets, first aid kits, radios and torches were ordered as we stocked up our bags.
The competition motivated us to get our go bags up to date. The judge was announced as Michael Wilson who has a keen interest in Civil Defence readiness and who was free that day :)
Not all bags are equal
The bags contained all sorts of surprises. Who would’ve thought that Nat carried a very sharp saw in her back pack? There was water, food, paracord, first aid kits, gloves, tools, chocolate, glow sticks, radios and torches.
Bear Grylls award for the most survival-ready bag
This award went to Andy French, who not only lives way over in Days Bay but is completely prepared to get there. The judge said Andy was “well prepared” and had “thought out his situation carefully”.

Just The Basics award
This award was presented to Alex who doesn’t have far to go and doesn’t need much, but has enough to sort himself out perfectly well.

Paris Hilton award
This award was earned by Nat who surprised everyone with her generous supplies that included items both for herself and her friends. She won special mention for having a torch with the most bling.

MacGyver award
This award was well deserved by Ross who had possibly the most compact yet useful kit. He got special mention for including Sugru in his bag. Whatever the situation Ross is likely to be able to fix it with the contents of his go bag.

Special mention
There was a special award for having an extra item not usually seen in an emergency go bag. This award went to Marcus who had an entire kit for making espresso coffee, in his go bag.

So, what does surviving mean to you?
How will you get to your friends/family/home/safe place/shelter if you’re at work when an emergency hits?