Encourage and promote the Māori voice
Māori Language Week helps us all remember that te reo is a cornerstone of New Zealand culture, and an important part of our country’s heritage. Te reo Māori is an official language of NZ. It’s a great time to be part of the broader language revival and raise public awareness and usage. Our participation links with our #TeamValues.

A diverse range of nationalities are represented in our team. We want to encourage everyone to learn, and use, te reo Māori at work and in our communities.
How will we participate?
Use Māori greetings in our verbal and non-verbal communication
Learn-as-we go with informative visuals around our workplace
Offer video tutorials at lunchtimes during Māori Language Week
Offer cultural competency professional development to go further in our understanding
Label particular items so we can ako (learn) names
Share te reo agile methodology terms
Encourage the Kupu app for learning new words

Māori Language Week is September 14–20 or 14–20 Mahuru.
Encouraging and promoting Māori Language connects with our Abletech Team Values. Read more about that here.

Every year since 1975 New Zealand has marked Māori Language Week. The campaign to revive the language has been a long one. There was a time when te reo was suppressed in schools and society. In the mid-1980s Sir James Henare recalled being sent into the bush to cut a piece of pirita (supplejack vine) with which he was struck for speaking te reo in the school grounds.
The future of te reo Māori was the subject of a claim before the Waitangi Tribunal in 1985. The tribunal’s recommendations were far-reaching. Māori became an official language of New Zealand in 1987. Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori was established in the same year to promote te reo. Along with the Human Rights Commission and Te Puni Kōkiri, it plays a key role in the annual Māori Language Week. Read more about the history of the language and hear 100 words every New Zealander should know.
#ContinuousImprovement #SupportAndRespectForAll #Sustainable
#TeWikioteReoMāori, #MāoriLanguageWeek #TeReo