A lamp standing in front of a green wall

Making a dent in the tech universe

Making a dent in the tech universe


The Myth of Icarus and the Modern Dilemma of AI-Augmented Coding

Once upon a time—well, in a land of myth and melodrama—a young chap named Icarus got the ultimate upgrade: wings. Handcrafted by his ever-wise (and occasionally overly ambitious) father, Daedalus, these wings were a marvel of ancient engineering, crafted from feathers and wax. Icarus, thrilled by his newfound ability to defy gravity, soared into the sky with the enthusiasm of a kid on a sugar rush.

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    Devs for Ukraine Conference


    On the early mornings of 26th and 27th April (4am NZ time) members of the developer teams from Abletech and Addressfinder attended the [Devs For Ukraine](https://www.devsforukraine.io/) Conference, a free, online engineering conference with the goal to raise funds and provide support to Ukraine.

    Optimising Docker for Mac and Elixir


    The minimum set of files we want to sync is the actual source code that is committed into git. Look at your .gitignore for hints on what to remove in your project. For our Elixir service we have dependencies, and build artifacts, that are written to disk, so moving deps and _build folders external to the shared project folder should speed things up.

    Elixir meetup at Abletech


    Elixir is rapidly gaining interest and popularity. Kiwi developers connect online to learn and share tips together via Twitter and the AU/NZ Slack group. Wellington Elixir User Group members get together for Hack Nights.

    Learning and supporting new technology


    In 2006 Abletecher Michael Koziarski gave a popular overview of Ruby on Rails at a Wellington Webstock conference. That same year he also spoke at RailsConf Europe in London. Ruby on Rails has continued to grow and Abletechers, keen on the efficient technology, have grown in their knowledge and practical implementation of it.

    Elixir keeps running


    What I have been really impressed by, is that the same app has been running for 18 months and has not been recycled, redeloyed, restarted or anything. Check out the memory footprint 1 year on…

    Devs for Ukraine Conference


    On the early mornings of 26th and 27th April (4am NZ time) members of the developer teams from Abletech and Addressfinder attended the [Devs For Ukraine](https://www.devsforukraine.io/) Conference, a free, online engineering conference with the goal to raise funds and provide support to Ukraine.

    Optimising Docker for Mac and Elixir


    The minimum set of files we want to sync is the actual source code that is committed into git. Look at your .gitignore for hints on what to remove in your project. For our Elixir service we have dependencies, and build artifacts, that are written to disk, so moving deps and _build folders external to the shared project folder should speed things up.

    Elixir meetup at Abletech


    Elixir is rapidly gaining interest and popularity. Kiwi developers connect online to learn and share tips together via Twitter and the AU/NZ Slack group. Wellington Elixir User Group members get together for Hack Nights.

    Learning and supporting new technology


    In 2006 Abletecher Michael Koziarski gave a popular overview of Ruby on Rails at a Wellington Webstock conference. That same year he also spoke at RailsConf Europe in London. Ruby on Rails has continued to grow and Abletechers, keen on the efficient technology, have grown in their knowledge and practical implementation of it.

    Elixir keeps running


    What I have been really impressed by, is that the same app has been running for 18 months and has not been recycled, redeloyed, restarted or anything. Check out the memory footprint 1 year on…

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