A lamp standing in front of a green wall

Making a dent in the tech universe

Making a dent in the tech universe


End of Year Reflection - of a sort

Recently, during a casual conversation over drinkies, I was discussing our company's plans to continue working with Riki Consultancy Ltd next year as part of our Te Tiriti strategy. Someone asked why we were still bothering, especially since under the current government it was no longer an edict—in fact, quite the opposite. My response was simple: we never undertook this journey because of an edict from anyone; we undertook it because it aligned with our values as a company. It was, and remains, the right thing to do.

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    How can we guard against CrowdStrike


    As the dust settles on the CrowdStrike event, it highlights the juxtaposition of combating security issues with both third party Agents / automated software update systems and trying to keep our servers patched up and secure. What can we do to prevent this type of attack?

    What does it mean to go serverless?


    It’s time to look closely at serverless development. Come on a journey to investigate the serverless development model with Typescript. This article will take you through a potential framework, ORM, relational database provider, how to test, and our conclusions.

    How can we guard against CrowdStrike


    As the dust settles on the CrowdStrike event, it highlights the juxtaposition of combating security issues with both third party Agents / automated software update systems and trying to keep our servers patched up and secure. What can we do to prevent this type of attack?

    What does it mean to go serverless?


    It’s time to look closely at serverless development. Come on a journey to investigate the serverless development model with Typescript. This article will take you through a potential framework, ORM, relational database provider, how to test, and our conclusions.

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