Making a dent in the tech universe
Making a dent in the tech universe
The Myth of Icarus and the Modern Dilemma of AI-Augmented Coding
Once upon a time—well, in a land of myth and melodrama—a young chap named Icarus got the ultimate upgrade: wings. Handcrafted by his ever-wise (and occasionally overly ambitious) father, Daedalus, these wings were a marvel of ancient engineering, crafted from feathers and wax. Icarus, thrilled by his newfound ability to defy gravity, soared into the sky with the enthusiasm of a kid on a sugar rush.

Regular Expressions - 2 tips for maintainability
Dive into our exploration of regular expressions, where we unveil practical insights on enhancing readability and maintainability through the use of multi-line options and named captures. This post draws on our firsthand experience to present tangible examples and a step-by-step guide on applying these techniques effectively. Perfect for those looking to streamline their coding practices.

Devs for Ukraine Conference
On the early mornings of 26th and 27th April (4am NZ time) members of the developer teams from Abletech and Addressfinder attended the [Devs For Ukraine](https://www.devsforukraine.io/) Conference, a free, online engineering conference with the goal to raise funds and provide support to Ukraine.

Getting started with Stripe, Rails and React in three easy steps
A client recently requested to add the functionality to be able to accept credit card payments within a Rails application that we were building. Specifically, they wanted users to be able to purchase vouchers using credit card payments and pass on any processing fees. Once the payment was complete, the transaction had to be recorded within the app and an email needed to be sent out to both the purchaser and the giftee. Stripe came into the picture then.

Pragmatic Refactoring
Last year, I read the amazing *99 Bottles of OOP* by Sandi Metz, Katrina Owen & TJ Stankus. The book explores OOP concepts and how to refactor code while being one cmd + z
away from green tests. It teaches “practical techniques for getting things done that lead, naturally and inevitably, to beautiful code”, by changing one line at a time.
 on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/s/photos/venice-carnival?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText)](/img/R5kdHs3xbc-1200.webp)
Testing ActiveRecord Concerns
ActiveRecord classes manage persistence and have a tight relationship with their database tables. This relationship, sometimes, makes testing tricky and even trickier when testing Rails concerns. This article describes how to test a concern in isolation from its ActiveRecord class and its associated database table.
 on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/s/photos/hope?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText)](/img/Rp3IDOBeKp-1200.webp)
An alternative to service objects
Service objects are overused. They have become the default solution for any new features in a Rails codebase. They’re also hard to talk about as they mean different things for different people. Here is how I define them:

Rails best practice security exceptions
However, these security features can adversely affect real users and you may notice ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken
exceptions appearing in your production runtime which can be challenging to reproduce.

Ruby Conf in Wellington
The Ruby community holds conferences all over the globe, using local and international speakers, for Rubyists of all levels. The latest conference was a single day of talks held at Te Papa in Wellington which is two blocks from Abletech’s headquarters.

Addressfinder Dashboard
Find out what Chris did, how he did it, and what he learnt along the way.

Volunteer-led coding weekend — RailsBridge
Volunteers and participants at the 2018 workshop. Photo cred: RailsBridge

RubyConf 2018
This year’s RubyConf AU was held in Doltone House at Jones Bay Wharf, Sydney. Here’s a review of my highlights:

For the first time ever Rails Girls Wellington are running an event designed for people who no longer feel like beginners.

Chatbot & Natural Language Processing
The talk covers the basics of implementing a chatbot through Facebook Messenger using a Natural Language Processing (NLP) API called RecastAI.

The Abletech story — part two
Following on from The Abletech story — part 1 we pick up the narrative at the point where Marcus and Nigel had begun hand-picking developers.

The Abletech story — part one
Launched in 2006, Abletech was borne out of a keen desire to boost business systems using cloud technology. Its founders worked, played and studied computing. They understood enterprise strategy and best practice. They became discerning. Discernment is a quality that continues to serve Abletech well.

Regan Ryan will give an introduction to Ruby Meta Programming — learn the nuts and bolts of how Ruby works, and begin the meta-programming journey

Static Website Generators: Ultimate Caching?
Static files handle large traffic easily. Photo cred: Sergey Pesterev (Unsplash)
React On Rails with Devise: Two Ways
Hi, I’m Kate! I’ve been working as a web development intern at Abletech for the last two months. Recently I’ve been investigating using React together with Ruby on Rails. My task was to discover common ‘gotchas’ and figure out what it would take to use React in our next project.

Elixir for JavaScript and Ruby developers
This talk will be an introduction to Elixir in the form of a walk-through of a real-world application (Addressfinder).

Rails Girls Workshops
To me Rails Girls is a really good way to help people find programming and gain a support network. Dawn Richardson.

Regular Expressions - 2 tips for maintainability
Dive into our exploration of regular expressions, where we unveil practical insights on enhancing readability and maintainability through the use of multi-line options and named captures. This post draws on our firsthand experience to present tangible examples and a step-by-step guide on applying these techniques effectively. Perfect for those looking to streamline their coding practices.

Devs for Ukraine Conference
On the early mornings of 26th and 27th April (4am NZ time) members of the developer teams from Abletech and Addressfinder attended the [Devs For Ukraine](https://www.devsforukraine.io/) Conference, a free, online engineering conference with the goal to raise funds and provide support to Ukraine.

Getting started with Stripe, Rails and React in three easy steps
A client recently requested to add the functionality to be able to accept credit card payments within a Rails application that we were building. Specifically, they wanted users to be able to purchase vouchers using credit card payments and pass on any processing fees. Once the payment was complete, the transaction had to be recorded within the app and an email needed to be sent out to both the purchaser and the giftee. Stripe came into the picture then.

Pragmatic Refactoring
Last year, I read the amazing *99 Bottles of OOP* by Sandi Metz, Katrina Owen & TJ Stankus. The book explores OOP concepts and how to refactor code while being one cmd + z
away from green tests. It teaches “practical techniques for getting things done that lead, naturally and inevitably, to beautiful code”, by changing one line at a time.
 on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/s/photos/venice-carnival?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText)](/img/R5kdHs3xbc-1200.webp)
Testing ActiveRecord Concerns
ActiveRecord classes manage persistence and have a tight relationship with their database tables. This relationship, sometimes, makes testing tricky and even trickier when testing Rails concerns. This article describes how to test a concern in isolation from its ActiveRecord class and its associated database table.
 on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/s/photos/hope?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText)](/img/Rp3IDOBeKp-1200.webp)
An alternative to service objects
Service objects are overused. They have become the default solution for any new features in a Rails codebase. They’re also hard to talk about as they mean different things for different people. Here is how I define them:

Rails best practice security exceptions
However, these security features can adversely affect real users and you may notice ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken
exceptions appearing in your production runtime which can be challenging to reproduce.

Ruby Conf in Wellington
The Ruby community holds conferences all over the globe, using local and international speakers, for Rubyists of all levels. The latest conference was a single day of talks held at Te Papa in Wellington which is two blocks from Abletech’s headquarters.

Addressfinder Dashboard
Find out what Chris did, how he did it, and what he learnt along the way.

Volunteer-led coding weekend — RailsBridge
Volunteers and participants at the 2018 workshop. Photo cred: RailsBridge

RubyConf 2018
This year’s RubyConf AU was held in Doltone House at Jones Bay Wharf, Sydney. Here’s a review of my highlights:

For the first time ever Rails Girls Wellington are running an event designed for people who no longer feel like beginners.

Chatbot & Natural Language Processing
The talk covers the basics of implementing a chatbot through Facebook Messenger using a Natural Language Processing (NLP) API called RecastAI.

The Abletech story — part two
Following on from The Abletech story — part 1 we pick up the narrative at the point where Marcus and Nigel had begun hand-picking developers.

The Abletech story — part one
Launched in 2006, Abletech was borne out of a keen desire to boost business systems using cloud technology. Its founders worked, played and studied computing. They understood enterprise strategy and best practice. They became discerning. Discernment is a quality that continues to serve Abletech well.

Regan Ryan will give an introduction to Ruby Meta Programming — learn the nuts and bolts of how Ruby works, and begin the meta-programming journey

Static Website Generators: Ultimate Caching?
Static files handle large traffic easily. Photo cred: Sergey Pesterev (Unsplash)
React On Rails with Devise: Two Ways
Hi, I’m Kate! I’ve been working as a web development intern at Abletech for the last two months. Recently I’ve been investigating using React together with Ruby on Rails. My task was to discover common ‘gotchas’ and figure out what it would take to use React in our next project.

Elixir for JavaScript and Ruby developers
This talk will be an introduction to Elixir in the form of a walk-through of a real-world application (Addressfinder).

Rails Girls Workshops
To me Rails Girls is a really good way to help people find programming and gain a support network. Dawn Richardson.