A lamp standing in front of a green wall

Making a dent in the tech universe

Making a dent in the tech universe


Sustainability in IT business. What you can do to decarbonise

Most of us are onboard with the fact that humans have been overconsuming the earth's resources at an unsustainable rate. Action from a global, government, and local government level is still unsatisfactory. Everyone needs to start doing their bit, and hopefully each little bit adds up and makes a big difference.

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    How can we guard against CrowdStrike


    As the dust settles on the CrowdStrike event, it highlights the juxtaposition of combating security issues with both third party Agents / automated software update systems and trying to keep our servers patched up and secure. What can we do to prevent this type of attack?

    How can we guard against CrowdStrike


    As the dust settles on the CrowdStrike event, it highlights the juxtaposition of combating security issues with both third party Agents / automated software update systems and trying to keep our servers patched up and secure. What can we do to prevent this type of attack?

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